Cooperation at the University of Heidelberg
The Leitorado Brasileiro Guimarães Rosa Heidelberg is willing to collaborate with all institutes of the University on topics related to Brazil, the Portuguese language and Brazilian culture. This collaboration can take place in various ways, particularly in Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs, academic events, research and transfer projects. Currently, the Leitorado Brasileiro Guimarães Rosa Heidelberg actively collaborates with the following university institutions:
Seat of the Leitorado Brasileiro Guimarães Rosa Heidelberg; cooperation in the Master’s program Communication and Society in Ibero-America; organization of academic events.
Offers Portuguese courses as a foreign language; joint coordination of the CELPE-BRAS – language certificate for Portuguese language skills.
Cooperation in teaching in the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree courses in Translation Studies as well as the joint organization of academic events.
Joint organization of academic events on the topics of multilingualism, German as a minority language in Brazil, Portuguese as a minority language in Germany and bilateral relations between Brazil and Germany.
Cooperation in teaching in the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree courses in Romance Studies as well as the joint organization of academic events