Project Mala de Memórias
de Julia Mann
This project, entitled Mala de Memória (Memory Suitcase), aimed to promote and disseminate the use of Portuguese as a heritage language (PLH) through the creation of a memory bag. The narrative axis for the creation of this memory suitcase is the life story of the Brazilian Julia da Silva Bruhns or Julia Mann (married name), who was the mother of the German authors Heinrich and Thomas Mann. Júlia left Brazil at the age of 7 and remained in Germany until the end of her life, ceasing to speak the Portuguese language. In a letter to her son Henrich Mann, Júlia laments not being able to speak Portuguese with her children, and in her book “Aus Dodos Kinderheit: Erinnerung” she recounts her journey from Paraty to Lübeck and her memories of Brazil and the Portuguese language. Thus, the hope is that the symbolism of the “suitcase” would foster a positive and supportive attitude toward the preservation, and maintenance of Portuguese as a heritage language, as well as bringing to light the life of this little known Brazilian.
This initiative consisted of five workshops of playful-didactic activities, combined with five more illustration workshops, for children from 8 to 12 years of age. These are intended to raise interest in Portuguese as a heritage language (PLH), as well as to stimulate the continued use of Portuguese. The workshops were titled Julia Mann’s Memory Suitcase: Playing and Painting a Story in Portuguese. The “suitcase” contains printed materials and products that result from the children’s participation in the workshops (e.g., word games, books, passports, and postcards made from the drawings produced in the workshops depicting Portuguese as a language of heritage and illustration). The products that were deposited in the physical memory suitcase, are also available for download on the Leitorado Brasileiro Guimarães Rosa page on the Homepage of the University of Heidelberg. This means that other institutions can use these recreational activities to foster interest in Portuguese.
The workshops took place between October 2023 and January 2024, in Germany, in the cities of Bochum, Hamburg, Heidelberg, Leipzig, and Munich. These cities were chosen because of the presence of non-profit entities, such as the Mala de Herança network and Elblingua, dedicated to the promotion of PLH.
The project was coordinated by Marília Pinheiro Pereira, a Leitora Guimarães Rosa and at the Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies at the University of Heidelberg, and was being funded by the Brazilian Embassy in Berlin.
For further information, please refer to the network of institutions conducting the workshops and the network of the Guimarães-Rosa Institute in Heidelberg – IGR/HCIAS:
The following materials were prepared by the participants during 2023 and 2024. Click on the images to view and download the full documents.
Livro: A menina que esqueceu a sua língua materna
Jogo de cartas – Hamburgo
Reisepass – Leipzig
Pantomim Leipzig_A6
A6 Notizblock Hamburg
A5 Postkarte – Hamburg
A6 Postkarte – Hamburg
A6 Postkarte – München
A5 Karte – München