Leitorado Brasileiro Guimarães Rosa – Heidelberg

The Leitorado Brasileiro Guimarães Rosa, formerly the Leitorado Brasileiro, supports teaching and research on Brazilian Portuguese at Heidelberg University. It is affiliated with the Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies (HCIAS). The Leitorado Brasileiro Guimarães Rosa is one of the 40 seats of the Guimarães Rosa Institute worldwide, and is dedicated to the promotion of research and teaching of Brazilian Portuguese and the spread of Brazilian culture and literature in Germany.

Brazil has a rich cultural and linguistic diversity due to mixture of migrants from different points of origin and the native population. The Leitorado Brasileiro Guimarães Rosa seeks to foster dialogue between languages and cultures and to raise awareness of Brazil’s diversity through scientifically oriented teaching and research, as well as cultural exchanges at Heidelberg University.

The scientific and cultural events, coordinated in conjunction with the HCIAS, are aimed at everyone who is interested in Brazil and the Portuguese language.

More information about events at the Leitorado Brasileiro Guimarães Rosa can be found on this website.


AGENDA – Februar 2025

Call for papers!

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